September 2017 Newsletter

This month we have the announcement and booking form for the Christmas Lunch at Wroxall Abbey in December and a second call for the annual Skittles Evening in November.

Michael Fabianski, Newsletter Editor. E-mail:


Event Reports

JCB Factory Visit - 20th September.

Nineteen member and guests met at the JCB Factory in Rocester, near Uttoxeter, for lunch and factory tour. We sat down in the VIP restaurant for a two course meal followed by coffee which everybody enjoyed, including special provision for a dietary requirement (which was also the envy of other members).

We were then taken to meet our tour guides, kitted out with hi-viz tabards and safety glasses, and given remote headsets which acted both as ear defenders and one way radio contact with our guide so that we could hear over the noise of the factory. This was followed by a short video presentation of the background to JCB and current world-wide production and support network. We were then taken upstairs to view the permanent exhibition of ‘The JCB Story’, featuring some of the earliest Bamford machines dating back to the 1800’s through to the present day - all ably explained by our tour guide.

It was then down to the shop floor to follow the production line of one of their most successful machines. We started with the sheet steel and saw the laser cutters producing the individual components followed by welding robots which assembled them into larger units. Further along the line other components were added until the finished machine was tested for hydraulic leaks and functionality before being made ready for dispatch around the world. It was interesting to hear that use the JIT (‘Just In Time’) system and only carry two days stock of components - just enough for the current production. Because every machine is built to order and paid for in advance, this enables them to produce every machine, from sheet steel to finished article, in just two days.

It was a strenuous day as the production line is some 1/3rd of a mile long and we walked from one end to the other and back, with several diversions en route. A final cup of tea or coffee at the end of a most interesting and informative tour was most welcome.

Everybody reported back that they enjoyed they visit and it was very pleasing to see some members who had not previously attended any of our events.

Dave Compton



Click here to see the list of the events which are provisionally planned for 2017.

The following is the status of those events which have been announced.

30 September - 7 OctoberHebridean Islands Discovery. Closed.
Tuesday 14 NovemberSkittles Evening. See announcement below.
Thursday 14 DecemberChristmas Lunch. See the announcement below.

Booking Conditions. Click here to read the terms and conditions. Members should also be aware of Public Liability Insurance provided by the Club.

Photographs from Past Events. Click here or here to view a selection of photographs from past events.

E1715: Skittles Evening, Tuesday 14th November 2017
(David Dagley)

Our usual and popular skittles evening has been arranged to take place at Snitterfield Sports Club for the evening of Tuesday 14th November 2017. This will be the usual ‘self drive’ event with a 19:00 meet and a 19.30 start time. A hot buffet will be provided that should suit both carnivores and vegetarians together with prizes for the evening’s winners. Maximum number of participants will be twenty six due to its popularity. Ladies should not bowl in high heels.

Please complete the attached booking form and return it to David Dagley as soon as possible.

Word document     Printable Booking Form

Refer to the document Event Booking Conditions for Terms and Conditions.

E1717: Christmas Lunch, Thursday 14th December 2017
Wroxall Abbey Estate, Birmingham Road, Wroxall, Warwickshire CV35 7NB

(Alan Bridgman)

By popular request we are returning to Wroxall Abbey this year, as so many people enjoyed our experience there in 2016. We shall be dining in The Mansion, a magnificent Grade II listed building, which is part of the Wroxall Abbey Estate. We shall be having pre-lunch drinks in the Broadwood Bar and Garden Lounge and lunch will be served in the Sonnets and Wedgewood dining rooms.

Wroxall Abbey Estate

I am hoping to attract 90 members and guests this year. The cost will include a welcome drink on arrival, wine with the meal and coffee and mince pies afterwards.

Directions to Wroxall Abbey Estate and a complete list of attendees will be sent nearer the time of the event.


Please complete the attached booking form and return it to Alan Bridgman. Please note there will be a cut-off date for bookings of Friday 10th November 2017, so please make every effort to submit your bookings by this date.

Word document     Printable Booking Form

Refer to the document Event Booking Conditions for terms and conditions.


Sub-Groups of Retirees Club and Employee Club

IBM Retirees Rambling Group

The IBM (Warwick) Rambling Club is now a subsection of the IBM Midlands Retiree Club. Any member of the Midlands Retiree club is welcome to join our subsection. Our subs are £5 per person per year. Our programme consists of a meal in late February, a monthly ramble with a pub lunch using own transport and an AGM in December. We also share a 3-4 day trip using coach transport with retiree sightseers in May.

Any retiree who would like to give us a try, can come along on one of our monthly walks without needing to join. Meal subsidies are available only to members and not for those joining us on a trial basis.

Go to a list of the planned walks for 2017 and other information.

For more information, please contact Terry King,


IBM Retirees PC and Technology Group (founded by Harry Green)

The IBM Retirees PC and Technology Group meets every alternate month for a lively discussion on PC and technology topics in the digital age. There are usually one or two specific presentations given by members or by outside speakers, which the members of the Group have requested. We try to provide a reasonable balance between PC “techie” topics, new technology, and topics of a more general nature such as digital television, Internet telephony and digital photography. So whether you are a newcomer to the PC or a more experienced user, we hope you will find something of interest. You are very welcome to join us.

Go to meeting dates and other information.


Members’ Notices

We all know Midlands Retirees who are undertaking a range of activities to raise money for good causes. The Committee have therefore decided to offer this space to advertise such initiatives and other events which may be of interest.

Alan Bridgman
IBM Midlands Retirees Club


Click on the links below for more useful information.

IBM Midlands Retiree Club Constitution Committee Contacts AGM Minutes Newsletter Archives IBM Club Warwick UK IBM Club Newsletter Production IBM Alumni Directory IBM Hursley Museum IBM Shares IBM Rewards Employee Purchase Plan IBM Pensions Trust (IBM Contacts and other useful information)